Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reminders of...

Wow - a little fury from a stupid email I received from the Wicked Witch of the East today. In PR at the end of the month clients are provided a status report with that month's activity. During the month when we secure a placement we may or may not send an email to the client and cc all the team members.

On one account I was in charge of the report and would request all activities from team members and compile into one style.

Now the account, which I am no longer on [so any sane person would just convert since it would be a waste of time to describe the style and format they wanted.] This is the email I got.

Hi Heidi,

Could you possibly edit these two inserts to match the status report format. Note no actual question mark.  Please take out descriptions of the magazines and the BPA info and add in the date of the articles and the editor with whom you worked. [different order than below accepted format]We need all secured hits to adhere to status report accepted format we've been using all these years [if I wanted I could go through old status reports and sing the Lier Lier song] or else the client will start asking us to add all sorts of things to all our hits and we aren't going to be doing that. The funny thing is if I went through my emails I would see one from The Wicked Witch of the East saying that she will take emails to the clients and add on activity throughout the month and then she would just ask for us to email her the items at the end of the month. Then sometime last year we started having to enter then directly on the report which I would then expect the person compiling it to double check and format. Apparently too much work for her.

The accepted format is publication name in bold [then why not in the example?], then editor name, then date and title of article then link with no wordy sentences [the accepted format does not follow the example she provided below]

Here's an example for you to follow.

(Note: if it's normal magazine you need not say so. If it's not, like a newsletter, you can add that word. We need status reports to be short bullets and to the point. If it's a new publications the client is not used to that intro info would be appropriate in the email notifying them of the hit but not to be included in the status reports. [blah, blah, blah – stupid bitch]

So the first one below is the example to follow. Please edit the next two so I can once again include them in the status report. Thanks Heidi. [ya - I feel the warmth]

• Manufacturing & Technology 4/2/10 enewsletter – Kepware Article - SNMP – Monitoring of the Plant, by the Plant, for the Plant [hmmm publication name not bolded?  Where's the editor in example? And why did she not include just the title - period.  What is up with labeling it as a Kepware Article and description (SNMP) of the content?  Wow not following accepted format?]

• Call Center Times ~ The Call Center Times which has been providing information and services for real-world solutions for over a decade has published Call Centers Depend on the Quality of Data in their April
Newsletter. Please refer to the provided link;

• CRN focuses on information technology reaching an audience of 115,000 consisting of owners, CEOs, principals, vice presidents, and general managers of microcomputer systems resellers. Communication Gateway for a Data Center Going Green was published in April;;jsessionid=1MW5HVVE0BUCDQE1GHRSKHWATMY32JVN?articleID=57400001

I am sorry about my gripping just this judgement, nasty, backstabbing miserable woman gets under my skin.  Maybe because I find her sooo incompetent and mean.  Or maybe because I know my boss listens to her...and I miss my boss. 


  1. [blah, blah, blah – stupid bitch] <--- hahaha
    that was awesome!!!! Well said my dear.

    Now, for incompetent people and bitchiness of sorts, why not cus them out? I mean, I know you love your job and want to keep it and all but really. Either that or escalate the issue to your boss or another high ranking person.

    Can you tell i'm quite the trouble maker?

    Just a little my dear, just a littl.

    (What's your email addy?) *Grin

  2. I don't know why this didn't register on my blogroll. I will have to come back to read and catch up.


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